Secrets to Start

Welcome to your journey of discovery! I’m Ravi, your guide, and today we embark on an exciting exploration. Agenda covers:

  • Why to Start
  • How to Start
  • What to Start
  • When to Start

Each topic will be explored in detail in a series of newsletters/podcasts. Feel free to dive into the sections that interest you most. Your feedback and suggestions are invaluable for improving future episodes.

Secrets to Start
Secrets to Start

Why to Start

Understanding the “why” behind your actions is crucial. Simon Sinek’s inspiring talk, “Start with Why – How Great Leaders Inspire Action,” is an excellent resource for this. Here’s a link to his TEDx talk: How great leaders inspire action | Simon Sinek | TED

Starting any new venture is challenging. Many of us struggle with identifying the why, how, and what. Personally, the biggest hurdle was determining when to start. Despite having the why, how, and what, I hesitated on the when. But eventually, I took the leap, and here I am.

The Importance of Why

Why is a powerful question. It drives our purpose and fuels our actions. When we start questioning why we are here, why we need to do something, the journey begins. To find your why, take a break from your routine. Disconnect from electronic devices, go for a walk, and breathe in some fresh air. With a clear mind, ask yourself the important questions and find your answers.

No one else can provide these answers; they must come from within. Understanding the need behind your why is key. Once identified, you’ll have the clarity to move forward. Starting something new might seem daunting, but it’s a journey worth embarking on.

As an example, I will share my experiences and ideas implemented on my websites, Techno Evangelist – Technology underneath rising exponentially. and Home – Liv Luvly Life in upcoming newsletters/podcasts. I found my why, and I am passionate about promoting new technologies and sharing personal experiences.

How to Start

Next comes the question of how to begin. Do you need expertise in every area of your business? Ideally, yes. To achieve success, it is essential to comprehend the market. But what if you’re not experienced in all areas?

Finding Expertise

If you lack expertise, consider partnering with someone who complements your skills. Alternatively, outsource tasks to experts. Assess the advantages and disadvantages of various business models. Consulting with experts can provide valuable insights. Here’s a useful resource for understanding business models: Vakilsearch. Though I have no partnership with them, their information might help you.

As an example, I started with solopreneurship, covering each segment of my business. This approach allowed me to gain hands-on experience in various areas.

What to Start

After figuring out how, the next step is deciding what to start. It is vital to pinpoint your niche and target audience. But more importantly, focus on what you’re passionate about. What brings you joy? What are you good at?

Discovering Your Passion

Reflect on your strengths and interests. Whether it’s a retail business, a food venture, or a fashion segment, choose something you love. For instance, I began with book publishing and blogging on my platforms. This led to establishing a learning management system and starting podcasts.

When to Start

The final question is when to start. The answer is now. Start with what you’ve been wanting to do for a long time. It took me almost a decade to bring my ideas to fruition, but it’s never too late. The key is to begin today.

Stay tuned to my newsletter/podcast for more insights and updates.

Thank you for joining me on this journey!

Step-by-Step Startup Launch Accelerator

Part A: Ideation and Validation

  1. Identifying a Profitable Idea
  2. Validating Your Idea
    • Creating a Minimum Viable Product (MVP)
    • Gathering and Analyzing Feedback
    • Adjusting and Refining Your Idea

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